Versatile Blogger Award


By Vageesha Mishra

Hello everyone! I’m so glad for having being nominated for this award. Thank you –

It’s an honour. Though this blog doesn’t need any introductions and certainly not from me ( a person who’s gotten active here only recently) but still it’s pretty awesome, so please check it out!

Now this is the fourth award nomination that has come my way and as rude as it must have seemed, I hadn’t done anything about the last three because I had no idea what the deal with these awards were. I mean how do you win the award after someone has nominated you? Shouldn’t there be a voting? Also the idea of following a procedure and nominating people was confusing too. And also because of being less active here, I had no idea who to nominate, hadn’t observed bloggers I follow as much as I have done now. So I waited and did my research. Please forgive me and help me if there is something amiss here. I would honestly appreciate it.


  • You have to thank the person who has nominated you for this award and include a link to their blog.
  • Then nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice.
  • Link your nominees and inform them about their nomination.(Okay, honestly WordPress is a little complicated for me, I somehow managed to insert their blog links, but how on earth do you link them? I have informed them.)
  • Share 7 facts about yourself

Seven facts about me

  • Alright, so other than writing, I am quite passionate about photography and photo editing.
  • I am obsessed with fantasy genre of films and books.
  • When I was a kid, I used to eat chalks. One time my aunt gave me a piece of chalk to write on slate and went somewhere for a second, when she came back and saw nothing written on the board, she asked where the chalk was till she figured it was in my stomach! She was angry but found the situation humorous too and called up my mom saying, “How will I teach a pupil who will eat the stationery?!” I stopped eating way back cause they give stones but only reluctantly.
  • I’m a cleanliness freak. And I stay organised otherwise it bothers me too much.
  • However I try, I have always been the kind who prepares two days before an exam .
  • I hate telephone calls, seriously what’s wrong with texting if it isn’t an emergency?
  • I think I’m in a relationship with my phone. I go through it every ten minutes even when there are no notifications. It’s my saviour in awkward and scary situations. It makes me very anxious if I can’t find it. It sleeps right next to me though a little far (because radiation and all) and the moment I wake up, I move my hand around to locate it. I take care of it and I’m very attached to it!

I am nominating the following people for this award. Judging by their talent and popularity, it’s quite obvious that many of you have already gotten several nominations before. You guys can skip participating if you want to, it’s totally fine. I have nominated you guys to thank you for making my blogging experience interesting and less monotonous since I joined this platform. Thank you.

There are many others I follow who would qualify for many other awards, so haven’t mentioned them in this one. Thank you guys too for existing and making it a wonderful experience here.

Once again, thanks for nominating, lol if I could I would nominate you again!

52 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

    1. Dude what’s with WordPress, I’ve been at this task for hours and it was all fine when I posted it and now I can’t see the link to your blog. I’ve updated again, hope it shows.
      And I’m glad you liked. Lol I know many kids ate chalks😭 including me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay thank goodness I can see the link to your blog after updating🙌🙌 Oh that must have been so bad. May be the server was down or because WordPress can be really complicated sometimes!

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Haha I still eat nails, my friend says you’ll die of this…..
    Cleanliness freak?? Omg!!! I just the opposite…..
    The phone thing is true with everyone belonging to this generations……
    It was great knowing more about you….
    And thanks for thinking i deserve it…..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Aww thanks so much twinklingwords😊😊and good Lord we have quite a few things in common including penchant for texting, phone, swachchta freaks and photography😎 That chalk bit is interesting though, limestone is anyway good for the bones😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha it happens. I have been nominated before too but I was confused so I did the same what you did.
      Glad I could help you! Lol good luck with the post because I’ve been having problems with this one even after giving it hours!


  3. I like people who give importance to shows their taste.but I’m just the opposite..oh that’s one of my new year keep everything clean.And I prepare just one day before exam☺hey you nominated me?.I was just scrolling down to see the blogs you like.when I saw my blog name also I thought that name looked familiar and it took a second to realise that’s my blog name and I got a award from you.thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I have nominated you! I commented on a post of yours informing about it. That’s one of the rules, you have to do it. Can this get any more embarrassing😭😑?!
      I’m glad we have some similarities! Haha good luck with cleaniness, I have to warn you though, it becomes an annoying habits after a while.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow!
    This is for something I don’t deserve.
    Still, thank you so much for at least giving it a thought 😁.
    And you will find facts about me when you meet me in person, talk and judge 😬.
    I like talking to people face to face and I prefer calling rather than texting. As we are losing realism as everyone is faking around.
    चेहरों में चेहरे लिए फिरते हैं लोग।
    And one crucial fact about me:
    मैं निशाचार हूँ।😇

    गुस्ताखी माफ़।😅

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Lol hadd hai! Why are so many people saying they don’t deserve it?!😂 I’ve done my research and only then nominated them, so you guys very much deserve it!
      Lol I would probably never know anything about you then other than your blog posts because I’m the kind

      Liked by 3 people

  5. This is quite an exciting post, I certainly have a lot to discover about WordPress. I can’t quite believe my blog is in there, it does feel quite surreal to me still. I am so very honoured to be in there ❤ Thanks a million for that my dear Twinklingwords ❤ I would have loved to join in but I am yet to discover the intricacies of the WordPress community, it still is very much new to me. I shall certainly visit those blogs you nominated :0) It is quite an exciting post as I too get to find out a little more about you. We as we already found out share both your facts 1 and 2. It turns out I do share number 4, 5 and 6 and well possibly 7 but it would rather be with my laptop, it is never too far from me hehe

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey dear Belle, it’s alright, don’t thank me. Honestly your talent and variety of stuff on both of your blogs made me think of you!
      And it’s okay, lol those were the exact same reasons I couldn’t make posts about my previous nominations! So I totally understand.
      Like I said, you can give it a pass because the reason I did it basically was to express my gratitude for making this experience so much better here and thank you for that Belle!
      Lol we have so much in common, I can’t believe this. Hahaha. This place is full of surprises. Ohh and I think laptop/phone is same stuff in this situation!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Similarly Twinklingwords I wanted to show you my gratitude for making my experience here a treat ❤ Indeed, I can't quite believe how much we have in common ❤ I too thought laptop/phones are alike in this way, I carry my laptop wherever I go even if I know the occasion to use it won't present itself, I am in a relationship with it in that way lol

        Liked by 1 person

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